A few weeks ago, a visitor to Geriatrics For Caregivers sent me a message via the contact form.
He explained that he is a hospital chaplain and that his workplace is considering using MyDirectives.com to help their patients with advance care planning.
“I would love to hear your opinion of the service,” he wrote.
I’d actually never heard of this service, but that’s not so surprising…new healthcare services for consumers emerge and evolve so quickly that even if I followed tech for aging adults full-time, I’d have difficulty keeping up.But I have a soft spot for advance care planning. So I decided to take a look at this website, in order to let the chaplain know what I thought.
And, as an experiment, I also decided to try recording myself visiting this advance care planning site.
So if you are wondering what I thought, or if you’d like to see what a practicing doc might do when a patient asks about some new-fangled web-based service, you can watch me explore MyDirectives below. (For audio-only, click here.) [Read more…] about Advance Care Planning Online: GeriTech takes a look at MyDirectives.com