This website is maintained by me, Leslie Kernisan MD.
You can reach me at info [AT] geritech [dot] org.
Guest Posting Policy:
The purpose of GeriTech is to highlight the perspective of clinicians and others who are “in the trenches” trying to help older adults with health and life.
The intended audience is people in the business of helping seniors with their health. For a geriatrics blog intended for the general public, see the Geriatrics For Caregivers blog, where I occasionally cover technology and innovation for seniors and caregivers.
Practicing clinicians and those working directly with seniors are always welcome to propose a guestpost.
Otherwise, I don’t generally publish anything that is not written by a clinician.
In particular, I don’t publish press releases or posts intended to help market or “get the word out” about a new product or service.
Again, please note that this is not the blog where I write practical advice for family caregivers and older adults (that would be Geriatrics For Caregivers). Please do not pitch me a GeriTech guestpost and tell me it’s information that you think I’d like to share with seniors and caregivers.